Drop of Water
A monk asked Hogen, "What is a drop of water from the source in the valley of the Sixth Patriarch?" Hogen said, "This is a drop of water from the source in the valley of the Sixth Patriarch.'
Zen started in China with Bodhidharma, who came from India about A.D. 520 and it reached its maturity with Huineng, the sixth patriarch from whom Zen teachings flowed. Therefore, the question means "what is the real esssence of Zen?" The monk expected profound teachings from the Master, but Hogen simply repeated the question. Often, the answer is already in the question itself. Water is water wherever it is, whoever sees it. Zen is everywhere; everything is Zen. Even the word Zen should be taken off. The real Zen is there, without the label, for Gautama, Bodhidharma, Huineng, and all of us.
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