Sixty Blows
Tozan went to Unmon, who asked Tozan where he had come from. Tozan said, "From Sato village." Unmon asked, "In what temple did you remain for the summer?" Tozan replied, "The temple of Hoji, south of the lake." "When did you leave there?" Unmon asked, wondering how long Tozan would continue with such factual answers. "The twenty-fifth of August," answered Tozan. Unmon said, "I should give you sixty blows with a stick, but today I forgive you." The next day Tozan bowed to Unmon and said, "Yesterday you forgave me sixty blows. I do not know why you thought me wrong." Unmon, rebuking Tozan's spiritless responses, said, "You are good for nothing. You simply wander from one monastery to another." Before Unmon's words were ended, Tozan was enlightened.
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